welcumz poeh dhenz

wak qah mg wori xa wifey m..

magk2mpi kme nyan,dami lng tlgang insecure sa kanya...i mean SAMING DALAWA

ingat nlng jan tol
Yeah she ur life,ok man ok.
I respet ur feeling towards ur wife. Ok.
Now plz Stop that all.
My wife not post anythng again.
Hufff...ok im Take my sorry, nd i take sister words back.
Now stop everythng
Ok...plz. thk u...
Hey aziz boy i dont nid your sorry coz the damage has been done,my husband already talk to you so stop calling me sister coz im not your friend okay!
Yaeh she the princess, i respect u bhot, thks, To Hear my words, thks, nd sory again, i hope again no fights or prblm gona be created, sory sory ok.
No Just stupid, words does't creat a much prblm. Even i say to ur wife sorry...dude. Plz Im again sayng u nd ur sory, frm now stop badwords ok i hope u not give badwoqds again Thks
Gud job honey,well dat will teach her a lesson that fake doll!.hahaha
luv you honey..take care we miz you..
yes honey i see it,.shes juzt insecure to you coz shes not bueatifull like you honey..never mind dat woman shes nothing shes nonsense hehehe luv you my honey..mwahhh