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Sometimes I feel sad because another loves me,
and I do not...for I am promised to someone else.
It isn't that I seek his love...
I don't even speak his name..
but he calls to me...
and I try to forget he exists.
I did not ask for him to love me,
I never wanted to cause him pain...
I am in love with the one I am promised to..
I did not chose who I love,
God chose his name.
Though at times I wish I could disappear..
to take away your pain..
but I cannot because for me to not be what I am,
would mean I am not what you love.
I pray some day God will bless you with a love so true...
one that will love you,
as you deserve.
Thank you for your love,
though I cannot speak your name,
I pray for you to be well,
and ask God to bless you.