good luck for national exam, tomorrow. believe we are can pass it together!
..i don't wanna miss one smile, i don't wanna miss one kiss. i just wanna here with you just like this... ♥
I loved her mom, like I love myself. I always miss him, even dreaming about it. I, had great hopes for it, ma'am. I've been trying to understand it, and I want him here. I always try to try to accept its shortcomings, mother, what's not love?
I: love is what mom?
mother: love is love each other, give each other, accept each other, love each other, everything is. love it cann't be imagined, but it is felt, cann't be spoken in words, miss each other.
I don't know, why? I hate if you speak to
me about your dreams offer which will be come true -_- you're very a proud of it!
I dreaming about yourself, your mom and your sister u_u
two days again is my birthday

tomorrow is a cultural art practice exams..
wish me luck

M : kamu sayang dia?
Z : iyaa, pastinya. dia udah aku taken. dan akan jadi pilihanku nanti :*
later but surely, your life can be better than now, dear

Can u come on os frnd chat???
I know, you leave me just a moment..