معلش جيت ابعت رسالة قالي ليا عدد محدود هبقي ابعت رسالة بقي بس بعت من فودافون ومفتحتش هنا برضه

عامل ايه ممدوح؟
My name is Miss Grace,i am single,How are you? i hope your are fine and in sound health.I went through your profile today and i took interest on it.I am interested in your profile,Kindly contact me through my email ID ( gracejohn845@yahoo.com) I will tell you more about myself and also send you my picture for you to know who i am.
thanks and ragards from.
true frinds c u true
belive n things u want 2 do
feel glad when ur dreams r true
best of all they don't judge u
they simply love u coz..u r u
thnx 4 all bro
يــا خســاره
محدش فـينا نـفذ وعـد .. محدش فينـا خـاف مـ الـبعد .. ومش حـاسيين بـقيمه بعـض
يــا خســاره
حــلال يـا عـمرى ولا حــرام .. بـنـتـغـيـر مع الايـام .. بـقينـا اتـنين غـراب عن بعـض